
The Development Department of ParaVolley Europe (PVE) raises awareness of ParaVolley through continuous education and development events, including working with new countries and those starting more youth development projects. It aims at providing a clear development pathway within Europe for people or organisations who are looking to progress their knowledge and understanding of our sports.

PVE has established start-up ‘Level 0’ PVE-VolleySLIDE workshops with a network of tutors who can launch and provide

From here, people and countries can progress to various courses for Coaches, Classifiers, Referees and Technical Officials, which can also be provided for PVE member countries.

The Development Director oversees the work of the Department and works in close cooperation with the VolleySLIDE team, part of World ParaVolley, which provides basic education on the paravolley disciplines.

World ParaVolley also provides various courses for Coaches, Classifiers, Referees and Technical Officials, which can also be provided for PVE member countries.

The department cooperates with various organisations in Europe and participate in ERASMUS projects (Sit2Play, DEV).

Development Director – Adam MALIK –>